Hmm... It seems that my girlfriend is broken and needs a replacement. I've had her two years now, meaning the warranty is up, so I might be as well off to try and fix her myself rather than going through the expensive process of acquiring a new one...
To: Sully
From: Cait
Subject: My Life has been changed
Hi honey! I know I'm going to see you soon, so I really could wait to show you these images, but I think that they're important. I was leaving class yesterday at about 5:15pm and as I walked past a random board in the Biological/Geological Sciences Building (Lapham Hall), I happened to notice a very interesting booklet tacked onto the board. Seeing as I never, ever noticed any booklets like this until this past Hallowe'en, I was amazed that so shortly after having my own eyes opened and my life changed completely because I accepted Jesus, I saw a real-life example of someone witnessing to the godless, college-age masses. It was a wonderful experience. So wonderful, in fact, that I decided that I had to document it and pass it on to you...I know that you'll do the right thing with these pictures, Sean. I like you and all, but nowhere near as much as I love Jesus.
(Does this count toward my 'witnessing for Jesus' points to get me into Heaven?)
Rigging Amazon Flex’s gig economy algorithm
5 years ago
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